Cambridge Artists' Cooperative

59A Church Street, Cambridge, MA. 617-868-4434 (Harvard Square)

WB01146.JPG IMG_3401.jpg
Keshi Fresh Water Pearls Necklace
Keshi Fresh Water Pearls Necklace
IMG_4932.jpg IMG_4936.jpg
Square Polymer Pendant
Square Polymer Pendant
DA03006(2-1).jpeg 2-PhotoRoom (1).png
Blue Polymer Necklace
Blue Polymer Necklace
WB01611.JPG IMG_3091.jpg
Multi Color Fresh Water Pearl Necklace
Multi Color Fresh Water Pearl Necklace
Freshwater Pearl Lariat Necklace
Freshwater Pearl Lariat Necklace
K.I.S.S. Glass Bead Necklace
K.I.S.S. Glass Bead Necklace
BS01667(1).JPG lgpuragate.jpg
Purple Agate Pendant Necklace
Purple Agate Pendant Necklace
Hammer-Cut Blue Quartz Bead Necklace
Hammer-Cut Blue Quartz Bead Necklace
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Dendritic Quartz Necklace
Dendritic Quartz Necklace
IMG_3012.JPG The+Pointe+Triangle+Necklace+GF++OX.jpg
The Pointe Necklace
The Pointe Necklace
Bird on a Branch Necklace
Bird on a Branch Necklace
IMG_2679.jpg MDTreePend+%281%29.jpg
Tree Pendant
Tree Pendant
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Black Onyx Necklace
Black Onyx Necklace
JRollGreenNec1.jpg JRollGreenNec2.jpg
Emerald Necklace
Emerald Necklace
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Baroque and Keshi Fresh Water Pearl Necklace
Baroque and Keshi Fresh Water Pearl Necklace
Semi Precious Stone Necklace
Semi Precious Stone Necklace
MD05W117 (2).JPG IMG_2389.jpg
Gold Opal Pendant
Gold Opal Pendant
IMG_0252.jpeg IMG_0260.jpeg
Fused Glass Fish Pendant
Fused Glass Fish Pendant
RT01042.JPG Front.jpg
Handwoven Necklace
Handwoven Necklace
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Tree Pendant - Sterling
Tree Pendant - Sterling
IMG_2566.JPG IMG_5415.jpg
Dove Grey Fresh Water Pearl Necklace
Dove Grey Fresh Water Pearl Necklace
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Blue and Green Polymer Pendant
Blue and Green Polymer Pendant
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Black and Gold Ellipse Necklace
Black and Gold Ellipse Necklace
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White Chicklet Shaped Freshwater Pearl Necklace
White Chicklet Shaped Freshwater Pearl Necklace
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Silver and Resin Apple Necklace
Silver and Resin Apple Necklace
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Enamel and Pearl Necklace
Enamel and Pearl Necklace
Neckpiece black and clear glass and granite.JPEG
Glowing Black and White and Granite Glass Necklace
Glowing Black and White and Granite Glass Necklace
WB01616.JPG IMG_5414.jpeg
Dove Grey Oval Baroque Fresh Water Pearl Necklace
Dove Grey Oval Baroque Fresh Water Pearl Necklace
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Small Purple Agate Necklace
Small Purple Agate Necklace
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Fused Glass Pendant
Fused Glass Pendant
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Soft Glowing Turquoise Glass Necklace
Soft Glowing Turquoise Glass Necklace
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Austrian Crystals Choker/Bracelet
Austrian Crystals Choker/Bracelet